The Clash Buffalo State University 1984 Octobergraphics Concert Poster 
- Starting Bid: $300.00
- 0 Bid(s)
- Item # 1009958
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Original 1st printing 19&1/4 x 30" (appx. -right edge irregularly cut on an angle) concert poster for the Clash appearing at U.B. Alumni Arena on the campus of Buffalo (NY) State University on 4/28/1984.
Designer unknown/not credited (printed by Octobergraphics of Buffalo), medium thick glossy stock silkscreen poster is in decent (B/B-) condition; aside from the hand-torn oblong right edge, there are a couple of holes scattered along the top edge, a bit of staining in the upper left corner, a few thin bends and light scuffs hiding within the image area, a large soft diagonal bend in the upper right corner... definitely a well-worn example, but here's the deal... this one was INTENTIONALLY printed on a used/worn piece of paper to give it a "street" appearance (as if it was posted in less-than ideal conditions and hastily torn down)- the poster was actually printed this way to begin with.
REALLY COOL-LOOKING mid-'80's Clash poster from Buffalo.